Bertrand Area Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 215
Bertrand, NE 68927
Phone:  308-472-3411
HomeAbout UsContact UsActivitiesArea Businesses

2022 Chamber Officers

Pam Snyder

Vice President

Lindsey Robison

Robert Dahlgren
Beverly Hansen

This is the signup link ​to help with the serving during
Bertrand Days - June 26, 27, 28.
Many volunteers are needed for this project to continue to be successful.  Check out the new shift times and other ways you can help.  All proceeds are given back to the Bertrand Area.


    Open Horse Show Committee:
    Samantha Lavene

    Color Run: ~ Viking Booster Club
    Kristy Hock ~ Lindsey Robison 

    Sand Volleyball Tournament
    Shawn Hatfield

    Corn Hole Tournament:  
    Matt & Penny Gregg

    QZARK Amusements Carnival

    Bertrand Brews & BBQ Committee:
    Pam Snyder ~Kristy Hock
    Jennifer Weber ~ Courtney Johnson
    Christina Davison ~ Tiffany Langford
    Samantha Lavene ~ Jared Holen
    Brain Schroeder ~ Travis Kuck

    Street Dance:
    Blue Moose Bar & Grill

    Flower Display: 
    Renee Davis 

    Antique Tractor Pull & Show:
    Kevin Stehl ~ Calvin Dannehl 
    Ricky Gennrich ~ Allen Samuelson
    Tom Schwarz

    Continental Breakfast:
    Served @ Community Worship Service at school

    Community Church Worship Service:
    St Paul Church ~ Methodist Church
    St John’s Catholic

    Sunday Brunch:
    Washington DC Trip kids
    Lindsey Robison

    Bertrand Community Serving:
    Mandy Sand ~ Kami Ackerman ~ Beverly Hansen

    Miss Bertrand:
    Andrea & Tyler Rabe

    Music with a Message-Community Gospel Sing: 
    Robin Ford 

    Blow & Show Beef Show: 
    Sarah Pelton 

    Games Committee:
    “Contact” Lindsey Robison 

    Water Games @ Bertrand Aquatic Center
    Julie Nelson

    Rodeo Tickets: 
    Tyler Rabe & Matt Steinbrink

    Monday night tickets:
    Main Gate:  
    Matt Steinbrink ~ Chris Davison
    Dusty Way
    East Gate: 
    Steve Colfack ~ Gary Nuttelman
    West Gate:     Andy Dahlgren
    Dave Dannehl ~ Lance Thorell

    Tuesday night tickets
    Main Gate: 
    Matt Steinbrink
    Jerod Weber
    East Gate:  
    Steve Colfack
    Gary Nuttelman 
    West Gate: 
    Derek Hock
    Andy Kuck
    TJ Wilcox
Disbursements of 2021

Bertrand Community Building                  $3,500
Bertrand Area Chamber (Carnival)          $   300
Bertrand Young at Heart Senior Center   $   300
Bertrand Fire Department                        $   500
Bertrand High School Scholarships         $   500
     ($250/Each to 1 Girl & 1 Boy)
BERMIS FFA                                            $   250
Bertrand Nursing Home                           $   200
Bertrand Lions Club                                 $   200
Village of Bertrand (Swimming Pool)       $   200
Bertrand Food Pantry                              $   200
Loomis Community Building                    $   150
Smithfield Community Club                     $   150


    Parking Cars:
    Bertrand Volunteer Firemen and EMT’s

    Bleacher Committee:
    Matt Gregg.
    Rich Junod
    Marcus Schwarz

    Parade Committee:
    Brent Samuelson 
    Gary Nuttelman
    Allen Wissmann
    Doug Fahrenbruch
    Randy Hock
    Aaron McCoy
    Vicki Peterson
    Michelle Samuelson
    Kirk Winheim

    Pedal Tractor Pull: Shari Kuck
    Walk Down Medina:
    Chairperson:  Brenda Johnson

    Advertising Committee:
    Cindy Wilken ~     Kylee Wilken
    Brenda Johnson ~ Jan Johnson
    Contestant Sheets:
    Cindy Wilken

    Concessions:  Colby Gardine
    Monday night: 
    James Beisner ~ Chris Davison
    Mike Dawson ~  Josh Evans
    Lucas Evans ~ Nathan Evans
    Doug Fahrenbruch ~ Jeff Ford
    John Ford ~ Liz Ford
    Tim Hock ~ Tracy Hock
    James Nelson ~ Lance Thorell
    Jeff Vinzant ~ Josh Vinzant
    Dustin Winheim ~ Ross Winheim 

    Tuesday night:
    Jeff Ford ~ John Ford ~ Liz Ford
    Ryan Gardine ~ Gage Gregg
    Matt Gregg ~ Matt Hernandez
    Dan High ~ Jason High ~ Scott High
    Aaron Long ~ Lonnie Meyer
    Mark Taute ~ Brett Vinzant 

    Rodeo Committee: Matt Wilken
    Browin Adams ~ Alex Bowen ~ Jim Bowen
    Corey Cable ~ Tyler Dahlgren ~ Ethan Dannehl
    Michael Edgren ~ Nolan Edgren
    Jamie Evans ~ Scott Ford
    Nick Hock ~ Bobby Hueftle
   Jay Johnson ~ Jerry Johnson
    Joe Johnson ~ Kim Lovitt
    Allan Meyer ~ Cauy Meyer ~ Clay Meyer
    Elijah Nelson ~ Tigh Renken
    Derek Samuelson ~ Gene Samuelson
    Lee Samuelson ~ Orville Samuelson ~ Tye Samuelson
    Jonny Sand ~ Connor Schutz 
    George Smith ~ Gary Wilken
    Gary Wissmann ~ Shane Wissmann

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